Yoga can be broken down into three main categories: Dynamic, Gentle, and Hatha. Dynamic Yoga is a type of power practice which focuses on building strength and stamina. Sequences composed of fast and large movements which help to heat the body and promote flow. Gentle Yoga is a more passive practice which is often used to restore, ground, and relax the body. It consists of slow, controlled movements which are meant to calm and open the body. Hatha Yoga is the form of practice which is most widely practiced. It is designed to bring balance between opposing forces (hot and cold, movement and stillness, female and male) and restore harmony. The components of yoga include: postures (asanasin Sanskrit) like forward folding, backward bends, twists, core work, and inversions, meditation to bring peace and stillness to the mind, and pranayama (breath control) to connect the breath with the body and mind. Yoga is known for its therapeutic effects both physical and mental and is gaining popularity in the Western world. It has been proven to improve flexibility, strength, posture, balance, and overall health.
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