Integrative medicine refers to the treatment of patients using spiritual, emotional, mental, and environmental approaches in addition to medical ones. The main premise is that while treating disease, all elements of the patient are evaluated, including natural and less invasive alternatives whenever available. Integrated medicine (or integrative medicine in the United States) is the practice of medicine that includes complementary medicine and alternative medicine aspects into comprehensive treatment plans with more traditional diagnostic and treatment approaches. Integrative medicine is described as therapeutic treatment that considers the full individual (body, mind, and spirit), as well as all aspects of lifestyle. Integrative medicine takes into account all of the factors that can affect one's health. It is the study of human ecology, which encompasses both physical and nonphysical aspects of people interaction with their surroundings. Relationships provide insight into each individual's unique condition and needs, which is used to provide care. Evidence and study will continue to aid us in determining which therapies will assist in the healing of the body.
• Evolution
• Lifestyle Medicine & Social Prescribing
• Mental Health & Stress Management
• Integrative Oncology
• Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
• Integrative Approaches to Pain Management
• Integrative Immunology
• Evidence for Clinical Guidelines & Traditional Health
• Integrative Medical Education
Important Alert:
Title : The role of a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) in the global perspective on traditional medicine as to diversity, sustainability, and accessibility
Julieta Andico Songco, JAS Consulting Services, United States
Title : What is the body trying to tell us? And how do we listen better?
Emma Field, Emma Field Therapies, United Kingdom
Title : Prunus africana together with warburgia ugandensis is the hope for prostate enlargement (PHB)
Davis Costa Ssempuuma, Kemmetic Institute, Uganda
Title : Certified healers and community health: Analyzing legislative impacts on traditional medicine in Madagascar
Nife Joshua, Amherst College , United States