Title: Dao needle therapy - Bridging ancient wisdom with modern biomechanics, and needling science
Title: Maharishi ayurveda: Correlation between consciousness, heart and mind therapeutic assessments
Title: What is health for modern medicine, and what is it for yoga and ayurveda?
Title: Study scalp electroacupuncture therapy for autism spectrum disorder
Title: Expanding the role of integrative medicine in the primary care of cancer survivors
Title: Soul medicine with tao transformative field for chronic and life-threatening conditions
Title: Dhoopana: A traditional air purification technique for enhancing indoor air quality
Title: The energy meridian: A super meridian for the future according to Prof. Bahr
Title: Acupuncture in the treatment of perimenopausal insomnia: A literature review
Title: Comparative profile of medicinal plants used in the practice of two traditional medicines
Title: Homoeopathic medicine Arsenicum album induces immunomodulation in Zebrafish embryos
Title: Prunus Africana together with Warburgia Ugandensis is the hope for prostate enlargement (PHB)
Title: Targeted loss of abdominal fat and increased lean muscle mass: A new paradigm for weight loss
Title: The rare endemic wild plant Valeriana Celtica L.: From common remedy to nerve elixir
Title: The status of hemodialysis and the application of traditional chinese medicine in Taiwan
Title: Effects of cycloastragenol on a mouse model of asthma and airway organoids
Title: Traditional healing: Exploring the ethnomedicine of the Poumai Nagas of Northeast India
Title: Phytonanotherapeutics- A new paradigm for treatment of metabolic diseases
Title: Effect of Ayurveda intervention in COVID-19 patient with respiratory distress: A case report
Title: Ayurvedic substitution for modern RA medicines- A case study
Title: Kallawaya medicine and Bolivian herbalism: A living treasure for health
Title: Towards decolonizing medicine and healthcare: The place of African health and healing traditions
Title: African black liquid soap: Antifungal and physiochemical properties