Unani medicine, also known as Yunani medicine, is a Perso-Arabic traditional medicine practised in Muslim cultures in South Asia and Central Asia today. Unani medicine is a pseudoscientific system of medicine. Because the Perso-Arabic system of medicine was based on the teachings of Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen, the term Y?n?n? means "Greek." Unani medicine has a Hellenistic background in that it is based on the four classical humours: phlegm (balgham), blood (dam), yellow bile (afr), and black bile (saud'), but it has also been inspired by Indian and Chinese traditional systems.
Siddha medicine is one of India's oldest medicinal traditions. Siddha is the mother medicine of the peninsular South Indian Tamils/Dravidians. Siddha is a Sanskrit word that means "established truth." Siddhars were those who were involved in the establishment of such a Siddha school of thought. In Tamil, they chronicled their mystic discoveries in medicine, yoga, and astrology. The theories of the Five Elements (Aimpootham) and Three Forces/Faults are among Siddha's fundamental principles (Mukkuttram).
Title : Exploring human longevity: Sorting hope from hype
Kenneth R Pelletier, University of California School of Medicine, United States
Title : Holistic health and world peace in ayurveda
Girish Momaya, Maharishi European Research University, Netherlands
Title : Maharishi ayurveda: Correlation between consciousness, heart and mind therapeutic assessments
Bruno Renzi, Maharishi College for perfect health International - Netherland, Italy
Title : Dao needle therapy - Bridging ancient wisdom with modern biomechanics, and needling science
Brian Bowen, Dao Needle Therapy, United States
Title : Global approach to health
Martine Negro, Nature Care College, Australia
Title : Could obesity be taken as an immune disorder
Angela Sanda Tudor, Society of TCM from Romania, Romania