Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the body's soft tissues for the purpose of restoring such tissues, and it entails manual techniques such as providing fixed or moveable pressure, holding, and/or moving the body. It is a type of manual therapy in which the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia are held, moved, and pressured. The term "massage therapy" is used to represent a wide range of treatments that differ in the way touch, pressure, and treatment intensity are applied. Massage therapy has a long and rich history in various cultures. People nowadays use a range of massage therapies for a number of health-related reasons. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian medicine make extensive use of massage techniques.
Title : Exploring human longevity: Sorting hope from hype
Kenneth R Pelletier, University of California School of Medicine, United States
Title : Dao needle therapy - Bridging ancient wisdom with modern biomechanics, and needling science
Brian Bowen, Dao Needle Therapy, United States
Title : Holistic health and world peace in ayurveda
Girish Momaya, Maharishi European Research University, Netherlands
Title : Infusion acupuncture: Results of a 9-year study
Loch Chandler, Providence Health & Services, United States
Title : Global Approach to Health
Martine Negro, Nature Care College, Australia
Title : Maharishi ayurveda: Correlation between consciousness, heart and mind therapeutic assessments
Bruno Renzi, Maharishi College for perfect health International - Netherland, Italy