Traditional medicine (TM) is stated as the sum of knowledge, skills, and practises based on theories, beliefs, and experiences that are indigenous to various cultures and are used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve, or treat physical and mental conditions. Some traditional medicine systems are backed up by massive amounts of literature and recordings of theoretical notions and practical abilities, while others are passed down verbally from generation to generation. Till now, the majority of the population in several regions of the globe continues to rely on traditional medicine to cover their primary health care needs. Traditional medicine has grown in popularity over the last few decades all across the world. These approaches have been employed not only for primary healthcare of the poor in developing nations, but also in other countries where conventional medications predominate in the national healthcare system.
Title : Exploring human longevity: Sorting hope from hype
Kenneth R Pelletier, University of California School of Medicine, United States
Title : Dao needle therapy - Bridging ancient wisdom with modern biomechanics, and needling science
Brian Bowen, Dao Needle Therapy, United States
Title : Holistic health and world peace in ayurveda
Girish Momaya, Maharishi European Research University, Netherlands
Title : Infusion acupuncture: Results of a 9-year study
Loch Chandler, Providence Health & Services, United States
Title : Global Approach to Health
Martine Negro, Nature Care College, Australia
Title : Maharishi ayurveda: Correlation between consciousness, heart and mind therapeutic assessments
Bruno Renzi, Maharishi College for perfect health International - Netherland, Italy