Traditional medicine has long recognized the value of physiotherapist therapies for treating osteoarthritis. Physiotherapy plays an integral role in managing both the symptoms and progression of the condition. Physiotherapist's treatments can reduce the pain, improve joint mobility and manage soft tissue swelling associated with osteoarthritis. A comprehensive physiotherapy approach for osteoarthritis should be tailored to the individual’s needs and capabilities. It often involves a combination of manual therapy techniques, including massage, manipulation, mobilization and joint mobilizations; however, more recent research has identified new forms of interventions such as taping and stretching. Low force exercises and home-based exercise programs are also often utilized in order to improve functional performance. Manual therapy techniques have been found to most effectively reduce joint stiffness and increase joint mobility, while also helping to reduce pain and improve muscle tone. Studies have also noted that joint manipulation and mobilization can improve the range of motion of the joint, reduce overall joint discomfort, improve joint stability, and reduce pain. Massage may also help to improve the patient’s general wellbeing by providing relief from muscular tension. The use of orthotics is also often recommended in order to reduce joint stress and improve alignment and stability. Other treatments, such as hydrotherapy, ultrasound and neoprene wraps, are less commonly utilized but may be necessary for certain patients. Overall, traditional medicine recognizes the many benefits of physiotherapy for managing the symptoms and progression of osteoarthritis. An individualized approach can provide relief from pain and stiffness and improve joint functionality. As such, physiotherapy should be considered a valid treatment option when devising a treatment plan for arthritis.
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