Since prehistoric times, medicinal plants, often known as medicinal herbs, have been identified and utilized in traditional medicine practices. Plants synthesize hundreds of chemical compounds for defence against insects, fungi, disease, and herbivorous mammals, among other things. Numerous phytochemicals have been found as having biological activity, either potential or established. Medicinal plants are well-known and popular for a variety of health advantages, including blood pressure reduction, cardiovascular disease prevention, and cancer risk reduction due to their antioxidant activity. The most dynamic, polyvalent technique for managing complicated, multivariate physiological disorders is medicinal plants. In non-industrialized communities, medicinal plants are commonly used, mostly because they are readily available and less expensive than conventional pharmaceuticals.
• Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
• Pharmacological Activities of medicinal herbs
• Toxicological studies of medicinal herbs
Title : Exploring human longevity: Sorting hope from hype
Kenneth R Pelletier, University of California School of Medicine, United States
Title : Dao needle therapy - Bridging ancient wisdom with modern biomechanics, and needling science
Brian Bowen, Dao Needle Therapy, United States
Title : Holistic health and world peace in ayurveda
Girish Momaya, Maharishi European Research University, Netherlands
Title : Infusion acupuncture: Results of a 9-year study
Loch Chandler, Providence Health & Services, United States
Title : Global Approach to Health
Martine Negro, Nature Care College, Australia
Title : Maharishi ayurveda: Correlation between consciousness, heart and mind therapeutic assessments
Bruno Renzi, Maharishi College for perfect health International - Netherland, Italy