Japanese Acupuncture is a form of traditional medicine which can trace its roots back to ancient practice from China and Korea. This style of acupuncture follows the same principles as those found in the traditional Chinese form, such as the stimulation of specific acupuncture points on the body with the insertion of fine needles. The Japanese form of acupuncture is quite different though, as it relies on palpation rather than the strict use of needles. That means the practitioner uses their hands to apply pressure in specific areas of the patient’s body, helping to alleviate pain as well as diagnose and treat dysfunctions that are causing the pain. Japanese Acupuncture also utilizes techniques such as moxibustion, cupping and electromagnetic stimulation, along with herbs and other forms of therapy, to provide a holistic and comprehensive treatment regimen for the patient. The goal of Japanese Acupuncture is to provide relief from the symptoms and promote health and balance within an individual. During a session, the practitioner will carefully assess the patient’s physical condition as well as their mental and emotional condition. This assists in finding the root of the condition as well as determining the best course of treatment. Japanese Acupuncture is based on the belief that the body has an energy force, called Ki, which flows through it and is responsible for the maintenance of health. Different points and pathways known as meridians, are thought to be responsible for the flow of this energy, and can become blocked or congested, leading to certain physical and emotional ailments. During treatment, the needles and other techniques mark the points to stimulate and unblock the energy channels, help to restore balance, and facilitate healing. The benefits of Japanese Acupuncture can be felt both physically and emotionally. Physically, it relieves pain, boosts energy levels, accelerates healing, and can even assist in the treatment of certain chronic diseases. It also promotes mental clarity as well stress reduction and improved sleep quality. Japanese Acupuncture is a powerful and effective form of traditional medicine that has been used for hundreds of years to restore energy balance and relieve pain. It is a holistic treatment that works with all aspects of the individual to achieve an optimal level of health and wellbeing.
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