Herbal medicine refers to the utilization of plants for medical purposes. Traditional medicinal systems such as Ayurveda, Unani, and Siddha incorporate usage of herbs as a major form of treatment. Herbal medicines usually provide considerable amount of an antidote effect, given their mystical nature. The active ingredients in herbs are phytochemicals, which are the chemical constituents of plants that give them distinct medicinal properties. Ancient scholars like Hippocrates, Pliny, Dioscorides and Galen have studied the medico-pharmacological properties of plants since ages. Traditional form of using herbs for remedies has been dominating since ancient times and has still been going strong around the world. Herbal medicine has several advantages over conventional medicine. It is safe, sustainable, least expensive, rapid in action, and provides the body with nutrition. It is also beneficial for most of the chronic diseases like digestive disorder, asthma, depression, diabetes, obesity and so on. Herbal medicines may also be less toxic than other conventional pharmaceuticals. What's more, with the rapid increase in demand, manufacturers have made the ingredients available in standardized doses, increasing access and availability. Moreover, herbs used in traditional medicine have been proven to have several medicinal benefits. For instance, India’s traditional Ayurvedic system as well as Chinese traditional medicines have initiated the use of herbs to cure various health conditions. In conclusion, herbal medicines can provide significant relief from pain and illness. It can be taken alone or in combination with other medications. Apart from being safe and inexpensive, herbal medicine can improve overall health and reduce the cost of expensive drugs.
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