Covid-19 has caused widespread suffering and global health emergency. With a lack of effective vaccine available, public health experts have advocated the use of natural therapies in Traditional Medicine to tackle the disease. Traditional Medicine has been around for centuries and was the main form of health care in many societies until modern medicine came into being. It has gained the attention of the medical fraternity due to its efficacy and the result of several studies which supports its use in improving health outcomes. Traditional Medicine considers the symptoms of Covid-19 to be dependent on the pattern of energy imbalances within the body. In Traditional Medicine, the aim of natural therapy is to restore the balance of the energy systems within the body. This can be achieved by use of ayurvedic herbs, massage techniques, dietary practices and yoga. Ayurvedic herbs such as Ashwagandha and Awlaki have many properties that can help to bolster the immunological system, reduce oxidative stress and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Massage, diet, and yoga can help to harmonize the energy of the body and reduce stress, which can lead to improved immunity and better health outcomes. Furthermore, Traditional Medicine has effective remedies for treating many of the common symptoms of Covid-19 such as fever, cough and fatigue. There are several herbs that have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral and immunomodulating effects that can be used to reduce symptoms of Covid-19. Thus, the use of Traditional Medicine therapies in the combat Orion with modern medicine can be a very effective approach for tackling the Covid-19 disease. It is important that such treatments are used in conjunction with basic hygiene, physical distancing and other safety measures to fight the virus. Traditional Medicine can help to restore balance in the energy systems of the body and reduce the severity of symptoms for Covid-19, thus aiding in its prevention and treatment.
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