Herbal medicine has a rich history of use in traditional systems of medicine across the world. It has been praised for providing treatments to a variety of diseases and illnesses, ranging from the common cold to more serious conditions. Recently, herbal medicine has been put to the forefront of the discussion regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. Traditional knowledge systems across the world highlight the potential application of herbal medicine in the treatment and prevention of Covid-19. The World Health Organization (WHO) has conducted several reviews of the available evidence on herbal medicines and their role in treating Covid-19. Their determination is that even though there are several herbal medicines that may have an effect on the virus, there is not yet enough evidence to suggest that any of them can be a viable treatment option. WHO emphasizes the need for more studies to further explore the potential therapeutic and protective effects of herbal medicines and Traditional Chinese Medicine against Covid-19. In addition to being the subject of studies for therapeutic applications, herbal medicines may also be able to provide some protection from Covid-19. Several common medicinal plants, such as echinacea and garlic, have long been used to treat illnesses and boost the immune system. Though more research needs to be conducted here as well, studies have found that these herbs may help to reduce the risk of contracting a virus and improve the body’s ability to fight it off. In the absence of a vaccine or effective treatment for Covid-19, herbal medicine can play a role in helping to reduce the spread of the virus and the toll it takes on individuals and society alike. There is potential in the traditional knowledge of herbal medicine that, if coupled with further research and safety testing, could be explored further and even become a powerful tool in the fight against the pandemic.
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