Any therapeutic, healing method, modality, or session of energy-based bodily therapy that emphasises free-flowing vital force or chi, such as acupuncture or reflexology. Body therapy, often known as massage therapy, is a type of natural healing, relaxation, and regeneration for the body. Body therapists utilise pressure, massage, acupuncture, and herbal cures and medicines to heal disorders in their patients' bodies. They have the ability to relieve chronic pain or acute pain, relax tight or overworked muscles, and improve general health. Mind-body practises are methods for enhancing the mind's beneficial effects on the body. Behavioural, psychological, social, expressive, and spiritual methods are all used in these procedures. As scientists reveal the complex links between the mind and body, this viewpoint is increasingly shifting.
Important Alert:
Title : The role of a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) in the global perspective on traditional medicine as to diversity, sustainability, and accessibility
Julieta Andico Songco, JAS Consulting Services, United States
Title : What is the body trying to tell us? And how do we listen better?
Emma Field, Emma Field Therapies, United Kingdom
Title : Prunus africana together with warburgia ugandensis is the hope for prostate enlargement (PHB)
Davis Costa Ssempuuma, Kemmetic Institute, Uganda
Title : Certified healers and community health: Analyzing legislative impacts on traditional medicine in Madagascar
Nife Joshua, Amherst College , United States