Alexander Technique is a therapy in traditional medicine that aims to improve mental and physical well-being through management of posture and movement. It consists of gentle, non-invasive hands-on procedures, whereby increased attention, guidance and instruction are given to the body's movement and posture. The practice works to encourage proper alignment of the spine, and the use of whole body support in order to reduce stress and pain, and improve comfort and productivity. The technique is widely used in the treatment of a variety of physical and mental health issues, such as back pain, sciatica, headaches, stress, depression, pain and muscle tension related disorders. It is also effective in improving posture and correcting any imbalances in the skeletal structure of the body. The technique focuses on the coordination between the mind and the body. It is based on an understanding that poor posture can cause physical and mental ill-health, and that by improving posture, it is possible to significantly improve health and comfort. The technique also takes into account the environment in which the patient lives or works, as well as their physiological and psychological characteristics. Basically, Alexander Technique is based on retraining of the neuromuscular system to help the body develop correct patterns of movement and posture. It is a process of learning to think and move efficiently, with the overall goal of achieving an improved sense of balance and alignment in the body. Through the guidance of an Alexander Technique practitioner, a patient can learn to move more consciously, and with more ease and comfort. The process of coaching offered in Alexander Technique is holistic in nature, incorporating physical awareness, movement and repatterning, as well as cognitive aspects such as learning to SEE (Self Efficient Exercise), and taking in to account the environment that a person inhabits. Its practice can give a person more access to their optimal mental and physical potential, allowing them to become aware of their habits and patterns, both consciously and unconsciously, which in turn can lead to improved flexibility, balance, strength and improved well-being. In summary, Alexander Technique is one of the oldest forms of traditional medicine that uses a patient’s body as a pathway for healing, enhancing both mental and physical well-being. It offers a blend of therapeutic coaching and physical awareness, helping the patient to gain more ease and control of their body.
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