Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice in which practitioners stimulate specific points on the body to promote healing. Acupuncturists view the body as a complex web of energy pathways, called meridians. Along these pathways, vital energy or qi (pronounced “chee”) circulates and influences the body’s various functions. It is believed that an imbalance in qi can lead to illnesses or pain. This is where acupuncture comes in. By placing very thin needles into specific points on the body, the acupuncturist stimulates and encourages the qi to move into a more harmonious state, thus restoring balance to the body’s system and relieving symptoms. The practice of acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and continues to be used today to treat a wide range of physical and mental ailments. It works by activating various points on the body to stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. These endorphins reduce pain and many acupuncturists believe that they can also help to promote healing and emotional balance. The use of acupuncture to treat pain is one of the most widely accepted applications of the practice. It is widely accepted in the Western world and is reported to be effective in relieving both acute and chronic pain. The mechanism of action is believed to be related to the stimulation of nerve pathways, resulting in the release of neurotransmitters in the body’s central nervous system. This can change the perception of pain signals sent from the nerves to the brain. Acupuncture is also widely used in the treatment of psychological disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and stress-related disorders. Acupuncture can help to regulate hormones, reduce stress levels, and make people more resilient to emotional challenges. The main difference between acupuncturists and other healthcare providers is that acupuncturists take a holistic approach to health and healing. As opposed to treating a single symptom, an acupuncturist will take the whole person into account, looking at the underlying cause of the issue as opposed to just the symptoms. In addition to treating physical ailments, acupuncturists also strive to help patients maintain balance in their lives.
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