Anil Jauhri has a master’s degree in civil engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, one of India’s top most engineering schools. However his entire professional career has been in the field of standards, certification, accreditation and technical regulations across various sectors – first in the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the national standards body of India, then the Export Inspection Council (EIC), the official regulator and certifying agency for exports and finally the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB), India’s national accreditation body and a constituent Board of the Quality Council of India (QCI) where he was the CEO from 2013 to 2019. He has spearheaded several certification programs in India for products, processes, management systems and personnel including those for traditional healers and yoga professionals and continues to provide advisory services to several international and national organizations.
Title : Contemporary approach to preserving traditional healthcare