Born in France, Laure Le Corroller is a one of Dr & Master Sha leading teachers. She is a certified Tao master healer & teacher, and Tao transformative field master teacher & healer. Before becoming one of Master Sha’s leading teachers, Laure was a VP Executive for a top global bank in England. In 2008, she discovered Master Sha through one of his books: Soul Mind Body Medicine, and Laure’s life changed as she decided to pursue a new path. She trained intensively with Dr. & Master Sha through his Tao academy and in 2015 she certified as Tao master teacher & healer. She decided to devote the rest of her life to spread Dr. & Master Sha Tao wisdom and healing techniques. She witnessed many great results and heart touching transformations when combined with modern, conventional medicine and/or traditional Chinese medicine. Laure’s compassion and service have touched thousands of people around the world. In 2021, Master Sha appointed her one of his leading teachers worldwide. Laure offers free introductions, workshops, courses, and private consultations in French and English, in person or online, on topics such as intuitive development, spiritual channels, soul wisdom & healing, Tao wisdom & healing.
Title : Soul medicine with tao transformative field for chronic and life-threatening conditions
Title : Soul medicine with tao transformative field