Title : Maharishi ayurveda: Correlation between consciousness, heart and mind therapeutic assessments
This presentation summarizes some aspects of the correlation between Consciousness, heart, mind and brain and the importance of the integrated multimodal approach of Maharishi Ayurveda for therapeutic purposes. I would like to point out that each of these topics, Consciousness, Heart, Mind, Brain, would require entire individual conferences.
Therefore I will limit myself to indicating:
1) Some basic concepts related to their relationship
2) the importance of the heart, as the seat of manas (mind), according to the Tradition of Ayurvedic Knowledge
3) the therapeutic implications.
In the 20th century the great challenge in the field of neuroscience was to find the connection between mind and brain; in the 21st century the challenge has extended to research into the connection between consciousness, mind and brain. Scientific research is further expanding the field of investigation towards the connection between consciousness, heart, mind and brain. Neurocardiology states that the heart has a complex neural network extensive enough to be characterized as a brain within the heart. The cardiac mind, as it is commonly called, or intrinsic cardiac nervous system, is an intricate network of complex ganglia, neurotransmitters, proteins, and supporting cells, similar to that of the brain. The neural circuits of the Cardiac Mind exhibit bidirectional activity with the brain and also activate independently of the cranial brain to learn, remember, make decisions, and even feel and perceive. The heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways:
Neurological communication (nervous system), Biochemical communication (hormones), Biophysical communication (pulse wave), Energy communication (electromagnetic fields)
Bioelectromagnetic communication is a real phenomenon that has numerous implications for physical, mental and emotional health. Increasing coherence within and between the body's endogenous bioelectromagnetic systems can:
1) increase physiological and metabolic energy efficiency
2) promote mental and emotional stability
3) provide a variety of health rewards.
It is further proposed that many of the benefits resulting from greater physiological coherence will ultimately be shown to be mediated by processes and interactions occurring at the electromagnetic or energetic level of the organism. Since the heart is the seat of individual consciousness (satva or manas in connection with jivatma as an expression of Atma), we suppose that some configurations linked to satva (mental configurations) are electromagnetically (holographically) present in the Heart-Brain. This holographic dimension (Jivatma – satvaja values ??– Sukshma bhutas) is responsible for the expression of DNA in relation to sattvic, rajasic and tamasic temperamental traits or constitutions. This correlation between heart, brain and mind, and their complex bidirectional interaction, is fundamental knowledge for understanding the multimodal therapeutic approach of Maharishi Ayurveda.