Title : Kallawaya medicine and Bolivian herbalism: A living treasure for health
Bolivia is home to one of the world's oldest and most valuable medical traditions: Kallawaya medicine, recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This ancestral system, practiced by the itinerant healers of theAndes, combines a deep knowledge of medicinal botany with spiritual rituals, reflecting a holistic vision of health that integrates body, mind and spirit. Kallawaya medicine is not only a cultural legacy, but also a testament tothepotential that lies in Bolivia's biodiversity. With more than 20,000 registeredplant species, a large part of which have medicinal uses, Bolivia positions itself as a keyplayer in the field of global herbal medicine. These plants, which have been usedfor centuries to treat everything from common ailments to complex conditions, represent an invaluable source for the development of phytopharmaceuticals andnatural products that can transform global health. Combining this ancestral wisdom with modern science opens the doors to countless possibilities. Scientific research can validate and expand the therapeutic uses of these plants, facilitating the creation of sustainable medicinal crops that not onlybenefit health, but also boost the economic development of local communities. Inaddition, Bolivian herbal medicine has the potential to contribute significantly tothepharmaceutical sector, providing natural and accessible alternatives for thetreatment of diseases. However, this legacy faces significant challenges, such as the loss of intergenerational knowledge, overexploitation of resources, and lack of funding for research. Therefore, it is crucial to foster alliances between indigenous communities, scientists, academic institutions, and international organizations to preserve andenhance this living treasure. At this conference, we will highlight success stories in the use of traditional medicineand explore innovative strategies to integrate this cultural and natural wealthintocontemporary health systems. Through a motivational approach, we would liketoinspire the creation of initiatives that allow not only the conservation of this heritage, but also its transformation into a tool for global health and sustainabledevelopment. Kallawaya medicine and Bolivian herbalism are not just a heritage of the past; they are a promise for the future. A future where tradition and science meet to improvelives and preserve the wisdom of our Andean peoples for future generations.