Title : Homoeopathic medicine Arsenicum album induces immunomodulation in Zebrafish embryos
Background: In 2019, 2.4 million newborns died, constituting 47% of all under-5 mortalities globally [1] . In the same year, India experienced the highest neonatal mortality, primarily attributed to infections [2] . The innate immunity conferred at birth serves as our primary defence against neonatal mortality. Studies indicate that exposure to crude forms of arsenic in zebrafish embryos significantly down-regulate innate immune responses [3-8] . These studies unveil the operational sphere, vulnerable cells, and mechanisms through which arsenic interacts with our system. This contributes to a better understanding of the homoeopathic medicine Arsenicum album.
Aim: To know the innate immunomodulatory effect of Arsenicum album on embryonic exposure in zebrafish and to understand the difference in actions of various potencies of Arsenicum album in regard to innate immune functions of zebrafish embryos.
Methods: Zebrafish were acclimated for 7 days at 28.5 ± 2 °C under a 12-hour light/dark cycle before being bred to obtain embryos at the single-cell stage. Subsequently, the embryos were sorted into 8 triplicate groups, including unexposed uninfected control, unexposed infected control, vehicle-exposed control, and Arsenicum album exposed at 5 different potencies. Embryos underwent medication exposure for a duration of four days. Then, transferred to four-litre containers. On the seventh day post-exposure (dpe), an infection with Edwardsiella tarda was initiated and lasted for five hours. Fish specimens were obtained at 5th and 30th hour post-infection (hpi) to evaluate innate immunological responses. Statistical analysis was conducted, and results are analysed. The protocols employed for the experimental procedures, handling, and maintenance of zebrafish received ethical approval from the institute where the study was carried out [9].
Results: A few potencies of Arsenicum album improved the innate immune response and survival in comparison to the control. This study emphasizes Arsenicum album's innate immunomodulatory effect across potencies. Subsequent focused research is imperative to acquire a more nuanced comprehension.
Keywords: Arsenicum album, Innate immunity, Embryonic immunomodulation, Danio rerio.