Title : Electrodermal screening test
Electrodermal screening test (EDST), which is also called Electro Acupuncture according to Voll (EAV), is a method of measuring energy in the body. It utilizes a galvanometer designed to measure the skin’s electrical activity at specific acupoints [4]. According to Royal and Royal [5], the first EAV device was designed in the early 50’s by a German physician, Dr. Reinhold Voll. It consists of a 12-microampere meter, calibrated from 0 to 100 with an Electromotive force (emf) of 1.2 V. Patients hold the negative electrode in one hand. The probe, which is the positive electrode, is used to press on specific acupoints mainly located on the hands and feet. Some points are similar to traditional Chinese acupoints, but other detection sites were later discovered by Dr. Voll. When measuring a point, if the reading of the meter goes to 50 (in a 0 to 100 scale) and stays stable at that position, it indicates that the organ or system associated with that particular point is energetically healthy. However, if the initially- taken reading, whatever it might be, decreases and settles at a lower value of the scale, it is called an Indicator Drop (ID), which suggests that the organ or system associated with that particular point is energetically unhealthy. If the reading of the meter goes above 50 and stays stable at that position, it indicates that the organ or system associated with that particular point is energetically “irritated.” [4] [5] [6] Voll [6] considered IDs to be the most significant criterion for evaluating energetic disturbances in the physiology of organs and systems. According to his theory, when the function of organs and systems are energetically impaired, the related points fail to maintain a stable resistance in regards to the incoming current; therefore, establishing a new equilibrium at a lower resistance level [4]. For instance, with a reading of 50 (in a 0 to 100 scale), the skin resistance is approximately 100,000 ohms. Medicine Testing Voll also observed that IDs could be corrected, or balanced, when the right test substance was introduced into the circuitry. Such test substances include homeopathic remedies, allopathic drugs, herbal products, supplements, and so forth. Test substances can be directly placed on an aluminum plate, or well, attached to the negative lead of the EDST device, which is also connected to the patient. [6] The Medicine Testing phenomenon occurs because all substances have distinct vibratory signals, or vibrational identifications [6]. A vibratory signal from the testing substance placed on the EDST plate, enters the patient’s energetic fields and reacts, or resonates, with the signals within the patient, which could be previous IDs, or energetic imbalances, for example. According to Voll [4], any substances correcting an ID will probably cause a beneficial therapeutic effect to the patient. However, unchanged meter responses imply that the substance has no effect; and bigger IDs, or worsening meter responses, indicate a negative effect. Substances that correct IDs are usually prescribed to the patient. [6] In two different studies, one conducted by Tsuei, Lam, Mi, and Zhao [7] and the other by Tsuei and Chun [8], readings of the pancreas control measurement point (CMP) of diabetic patients were balanced when the proper doses of insulin were placed within the circuitry, but dropped instead, and presented larger IDs, when different amounts of refined sugar were introduced. Both studies suggested that different medications and their dosages could be evaluated without the medicine actually being ingested by the patients. According to Leonhardt [9], EDST has a great potential to help healthcare professionals de- tect energetic disturbances in their patients. By using the EDST method, practitioners would be able to expedite further clinical investigations by early forwarding cases to specialists and hospi- tals whenever necessary. EDST does not replace traditional methods of diagnosis, but it could be used as a valuable tool in clinical medicine. However, prerequisites for accurately employing EDST include knowledge in anatomy, internal medicine, modern electronics and physics, pharmacology, homeopathy, Oriental medicine, and Electro Acupuncture according to Voll (EAV).