Title : Acupuncture for optic atrophy caused by brain tumor
Importance: Among children and adolescents, brain and central nervous systemtumors are themost common cause of non-accidental death and optic atrophy. Visual dysfunction negatively affects theirlives. Acupuncture improves optic atrophy as well as the quality of life of children, especially those withbraintumors.
Objective: We examined the effectiveness of acupuncture as a complementary or alternative therapyforchildren with brain tumors.
Design: Case series Setting: The children were referred to the acupuncture department.
Participants: Four children with brain tumors with visual impairment to varying extents.
Exposure: A combined treatment with abdominal and dorsal acupoints was adopted, with variationstailored to individual children.
Main Outcome: After acupuncture rehabilitation, visual acuity and quality of life improved without tumorenlargement.
Conclusions and Relevance: Acupuncture has positive effects on the quality of life of childrenwithopticatrophy caused by intracranial tumors and does not cause brain tumor growth