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8th Edition of International Conference on

Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies

June 05-07, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Traditional Medicine 2024

Nutrition and supplements in rehabilitation program for pain treatment

Speaker at Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies 2024 - Elizabeta Popova Ramova
MIT University Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Title : Nutrition and supplements in rehabilitation program for pain treatment


Athletes during training and competition may get injured or feel fatigue and pain in the muscles skeletal system and mental overstrain. The use of conventional drugs is subject to doping control, unlike some herbal substances that are permitted for use. Non-athlete patients with pain may have many other comorbidities, and conventional medications may interact with their other medications.
The aim of our research was to determine how proven, effective and safe herbal extracts are when applied to athletes and rehabilitation pain patients.
Material and method: We used medical search data on two websites, www.pubmed.org and www.NCIH.com.usa. We evaluated our patients with NAS for pain and measuring ROM before and after treatment.
Results with discussion: 15 substances were analyzed in terms of evidentiary research, efficacy and safety in use. Topical application with sonophoresis of herbal gel, have significant reduction of pain and increase ROM in patient with Neck pain and knee osteoarthritis.
Conclusion: most of the substances already have a proven effect in reducing pain and inflammation (turmeric, ginger, polyphenols, bromelain, comfrey, golden root), when applied topically or taken orally, but for some there is evidence that they are not safe (arnica , willow, devil's claw, lord's vine).
Key words: musculoskeletal pain, herbal therapy, nutrition.


E.P.Ramova is graduated doctor of ordinary practice in 1987, and specialization in PM&Reha in 1998, at the Medical faculty (MF) in Skopje. She received her master's degree at the MF Skopje in 2002 and doctorate at the FM in Nis, R.Serbia 2010. She has been engaged in educational activity since 2005. She worked as a professor at Uni. St.Clement Ohridski (2007-2018). She work like professor at MIT University, Skopje, now. She has published 210 studies, and 18 professional literature books. She was on a visiting study in Germany (1997,2000) and in Italy (2016). Memmber of ISPRM, Cochran Rehabilitation and in Editorial Board of 14 sciences journals abroad.
