HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

8th Edition of International Conference on

Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies

June 05-07, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Traditional Medicine 2022

The path of osteopathy in Russia: From the empirical experience to the Evidence-based Medicine

Speaker at Traditional Medicine 2022 2022 - Dmitry Mokhov
Mechnikov North-West State Medical University, Russian Federation
Title : The path of osteopathy in Russia: From the empirical experience to the Evidence-based Medicine


Since the beginning of its existence, osteopathy has developed a scientific approach to the treatment of diseases. Studies have been conducted to evaluate the results of osteopathic treatment and to compare them with  the results of other treatment methods. After the target object of osteopathy - somatic dysfunction (M 99.0 in the ICD) - was identified, it became possible to conduct clinical controlled studies and meta-analysis.

In 30 years Russian osteopathy has overcome the path that the world osteopathy has walked through during a century and a half. In Russia, it has become a specialty of higher medical education. Training programs for osteopaths have been developed and legally approved.

In order to unify osteopathic diagnostics we developed a classification of somatic dysfunctions and a methodology for assessing their palpation characteristics. We also proposed a method for registering osteopathic status - an osteopathic report with the determination of the dominant somatic dysfunction, which makes it possible to develop unified protocols for randomized controlled trials. On the basis of objectively registered characteristics of somatic dysfunctions, it became possible to explain the mechanisms of action of osteopathic correction on the human body.


What will audience learn from the presentation?

1. The classification of somatic dysfunctions developed in Russia can be used to unify osteopathic diagnostics and to select methods of osteopathic correction individually for each patient.

2. The proposed method of registering osteopathic status (osteopathic report with the determination of the dominant somatic dysfunction) will help to develop uniform protocols for randomized controlled trials in osteopathy.

3. Information about the influence of osteopathic correction on the human body can be used in teaching and explaining the benefits of osteopathy to patients and doctors of other specialties.


Dmitry Mokhov graduated from the St. Petersburg State Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute in 1994 (General Medicine). In 1996 he graduated from residency (Nervous System Diseases).

In 1999 he graduated from ESO Paris.

In 2000, he headed the Educational and Scientific Center for Osteopathic Medicine at SPbMAPS.

Since 2006 - Director of the Institute of Osteopathy, St. Petersburg State University.

Since 2007 - editor-in-chief of the Russian Osteopathic Journal.

Since 2014 - Head of Osteopathy Department, Mechnikov North-West State Medical University,

Since 2016 - Head of the Federal Methodological Center for Osteopathy.

In 2012 he defended his doctoral thesis.

He is author of over 250 scientific papers, holder of 7 patents for inventions.
