Title : Reexamining ketone replenishment in the healing of inflammatory issues its pros and cons and therapeutic dosages from discovery, applications, and review
Almost every American likes eucalyptus globules/Peppermint, a ketone rich essential oil. It is interesting that ketone in aroma medicine is a harsh component especially harsh for people with epileptic seizures. However, a recent research on Rheumatoid Arthritis discovered that mitochondria activities contributed to the healing of patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. The point is how the interrelationships going to play out with the inclusions of ketone rich essential oil blend but mild enough to be apply and absorb with people that has seizures. With proven clinical applications on people with lyme disease, high blood pressure, and rheumatoid arthritis and lymphatic-related issues, this methodology brings hope to advanced healing by boosting mitochondria activities while at the same time reduce the inflammatory mechanisms.