HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

8th Edition of International Conference on

Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies

June 05-07, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Traditional Medicine 2022

Comparison of the handgrip strength of women in the using anthracycline during chemotherapy treatment with apparently healthy women

Speaker at Traditional Medicine 2022 2022 - Vitor Alves Marques
Federal University of Goias, Brazil
Title : Comparison of the handgrip strength of women in the using anthracycline during chemotherapy treatment with apparently healthy women



The number of studies involving patients with breast cancer and physical activity has increased in recent years. However, it is still unclear the effects of chemotherapy on handgrip strength measurements.To compare handgrip strength between women with breast cancer who are in the third to fourth cycle of chemotherapy treatment with apparently healthy women. Methods: This study is a cross-sectional study. The 37 women included in the study were divided into two groups: breast cancer treatment (TCM, n = 19) and apparently healthy (CNT, n = 18) and had 52.2 ± 13 , 11 years and 55.8 ± 8.37 years, respectively. Handgrip strength measurements were performed using a brand dynamometer using a digital dynamometer (model EH101, E.clear®), the tests consisted of three attempts with 3-5s of maximal voluntary contraction with 90 ° elbow with verbal stimulus, alternating right and left side and one minute rest interval between attempts, the highest measure was recorded. Data normality was verified by the Shapiro-Wilk test, and the data were compared between groups by Student's t test. For independent samples, the significance level adopted was p <0.05. Cohen's d-effect size was calculated from the difference in handgrip between groups to examine the magnitude of the effect of breast cancer treatment on the investigated variables.Handgrip strength measurements were not different between groups (p = 0.17), d = 0.45.The results obtained suggest that handgrip strength for women between the third and fourth cycle of chemotherapy treatment of breast cancer is not different from apparently healthy women.

Keywords: breast cancer; handgrip strength; chemotherapy treatment; physical exercise.

Presentation Key Points


  • The relationship of handgrip with decreased mortality
  • Physical Exercise for Breast Cancer
  • The Importance of Hand Gripping in Breast Cancer Patients



Vitor Alves Marques is physical education by profession, is master in Health Science at the Federal University of Goias, and its dissertation is about the effects of chemotherapy treatment on muscle performance in women with breast cancer in the year 2018. He is member the Laboratory of Physiology of the Exercise and Nutrition and Healthy at the Federal University of Goias (LAFINS/UFG) and also is member the Laboratory of Analyzes of Human Movimento (LAMOVH/UFG). He has approved abstract in ACSM’s 66th Annual Meeting, with the theme muscle performance in women during chemotherapy treatment with breast cancer.
