HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Paris, France or Virtually from your home or work.

6th Edition of International Conference on

Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies

June 20-22, 2024 | Paris, France

Traditional Medicine 2024

Noah St John

Speaker at Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies 2024 - Noah St John
Success Clinic International, LLC, United States
Title : The power habits® of legendary leadership


In today's hyper-competitive landscape, where leadership clichés and outdated strategies are failing to inspire, "THE POWER HABITS® OF LEGENDARY LEADERSHIP" offers a groundbreaking approach to leadership transformation. How do you evolve from a competent manager to a legendary leader who leaves an indelible impact? The answer lies in igniting the untapped reservoirs of potential within you and your team—by harnessing the Power Habits® that define legendary leaders. This isn't just about improving your leadership skills; it's about undergoing a metamorphosis that elevates you into a realm of leadership that most aspire to but few achieve. This keynote is not merely an intellectual exercise—it's a call to action. It's about unlocking the secrets that propel leaders from merely good to truly legendary. It's about discovering your own unique "signature moves" in leadership and life, and then amplifying them to create a ripple effect of influence and impact.

Audience Take Away:

  • Uncover the hidden Power Habits® that differentiate legendary leaders from average ones, and how you can implement them TODAY for immediate impact
  • Master the art of decision-making with proven strategies that legendary leaders use to navigate complex challenges and achieve remarkable results
  • Learn how to inspire and motivate your team to peak performance by leveraging the psychological triggers that legendary leaders use to drive success
  • Gain actionable insights into building a resilient leadership mindset that not only withstands adversity but thrives in it, just like the legends do
  • Discover how to cultivate a culture of innovation and continuous improvement by adopting the Power Habits® that legendary leaders swear by


Noah St John, PhD is known as “The Father of AFFORMATIONS®” and “The Mental Health Coach to The Stars.” He’s also CEO of SuccessClinic.com, a global peak performance and business growth company. Noah is the only author in history to have works published by HarperCollins, Hay House, Simon & Schuster, Mindvalley, Nightingale-Conant, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher.Noah’s mission is to eliminate not-enoughness from the world and he is internationally recognized for his signature coaching services; facilitating workshops at companies and institutions across the globe, and appearing on over 1,000 media outlets including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, The Hallmark Channel, NPR, PARADE, SUCCESS, Entrepreneurs on Fire, The Jenny McCarthy Show, Woman’s Day, Los Angeles Business Journal, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, Selling Power and The Huffington Post.
