HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Paris, France or Virtually from your home or work.

6th Edition of International Conference on

Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies

June 20-22, 2024 | Paris, France

Traditional Medicine 2024

Shilpa K Ingle

Speaker at Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Therapies 2024 - Shilpa K Ingle
Govrnmet Ayurved College, India
Title : Assessment of krodha (Anger) With ‘novaco anger scale’ among high school students and its relation With different deha-manas prakriti


Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of health science. Ayurveda literally means life of knowledge. The science of life among elixir. The Ayurveda is most holistic and oldest healthcare emphasizes balancing the body, mind and spirit to treat and prevent diseases. Prakruti is an important concept of Ayurveda which is decided at the time of birth which is essential to understand the nature and severity of disease, reaction of body to the drugs (pharmacogenomics), selection of drugs and their doses, prognosis of the disease and preventive measures such as diet, diurnal and seasonal regimes. In Ayurveda concept of personality and beauty are explained under the heading of Prakruti, Sara and Pramana. Prakruti has been one of the most notable basic features of Ayurveda. Anger is one of the most prevalent behavioral problems among the adolescents. The increasing crime rates and violent activities of youth in India have made the researcher to focus on aggression and anger among adolescent children. There is a need of the proper study assessments of anger and development of prevention and intervention modules for adolescent children. The present study is selected because of lack of research in Ayurveda on this topic and Anger is one of the major issue among adolescent children. If we know that any Prakriti has certain relation with anger then we can improve the behavior of children and anger management can be done with various types of meditation, yoga and through specific diet also.
